Welcome back to Leader’s Mindset for Women in Business. Today we talk about how to have effective company team meetings, giving proper feedback, and holding accountability. Let’s jump right in.
Holding Effective Company Team Meetings Regular team meetings are very important in any company. They are the best platform for discussing wins and challenges. They are a place where connection takes place between team members. Everyone on the team can get together to solve problems, get on the same page regarding any project, and discuss how to move the business forward. Having effective and productive company meetings that produce results is a skill that every leader must learn. It is also a skill that improves with practice. Here are a few ways a leader can prepare for the most effective team meetings.
Giving Proper Feedback and Accountability Employees need a great culture of growth and accountability in order to feel happy at work and to have all their emotional needs met at work. As a leader, ensure that you set clear expectations in their roles and follow up with them in order to coach them on what they did well and where improvement is required. Don’t let small issues fester. Always let your team members know what is working well and what can be improved in any situation in a timely manner. When providing feedback, follow these three steps:
Be careful not to use any language that indicates blame as it’s the fastest poison to your workplace culture and puts your employees on defense. Reflect back and recap on the conversation so that they feel heard. Have them recap the next steps from the conversation as well to work on beyond the conversation. Clear communication is the secret to the best workplace culture and the best relationships at work. As long as your team members have all of the resources they need from you and are getting their work done in a timely manner, your company will thrive. Stay tuned for more great topics and tips that you can use in your life and business right away. If you found this post helpful today, be sure to subscribe because it will only get better from here. I cannot wait to connect with you here again next week! For more, I have a FREE “Guide to Top 10 Mental Blocks for Entrepreneurs” when you visit my website elonaloparicoaching.com where you can take these concepts further so they can help you right away.
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